
In between time, tides, meridians…

2014 had its magic moments – new friends, projects, travels, publications… Holding my breath when it mattered, smiled at the world without restraint, burnt my fingers, ego & pride…



Now my heart’s reconciled with each moment, I celebrate then & now.

Than YOU for being a part of it, wherever you are,
thank YOU for
kind eyes,
support and
help in any way
along this

As we prepare for the next stretch, let me wish you the very best –
may 2015 fill your eyes & hearts with smiles, health, joys, happiness beyond desires.
Let it guide you towards success.

I love that word that means the world of boundless beauty inside out:



Filed under 2014, 60N, Arcania, december, earth, geopoetics, home, island, life, north, review, scotland, shetland, shore, spirit, Transformations, winter, wishes, world, Yuletide

2 responses to “Passage

  1. genevieve garnier

    Que cette année voit tous tes projets s’accomplir !!!
    Bonne Année et bon vent !!

  2. Mille mercis de tant de bons voeux. Excellente année à toi 🙂

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