Monthly Archives: November 2018


Regardez ces visages, 

leurs yeux cracheurs de feu, et d’amour pour la vie;

Ils ont donné leurs cœurs, âmes au Chemin des Dames,  pour

Marianne et patrie.

Dans la boue, dans les poux, eux, vaillants militaires, n’ont

jamais eu le choix; 

Fil de fer à la guerre, barbelés furent leurs droits – et

au dire des commères, installées dans la soie, leurs

mensonges dans le feutre ont bafoué bien des lois…

Verdun fut leur enfer,

ils ont porté leur croix, esclaves d’un Lucifer, parisien de

surcroît –

banquiers firent leurs affaires de leur sang, hors du froid, si

loin des parapets, des obus et cratères, d’une tranchée à

L’étroit …

Ce jour-là à Verdun, et au Chemin des Dames,

Mon pépé Duval était là, brancardier pour 

ses frères 

tombés sous la mitraille, aveuglés par l’ envers de la bible, de 

la foi.

Regardez leurs visages, gueules cassées ou pas, 

ils s’appellent Paul ou Pierre,

Léopold ou Marcel,

tous fils d’une


sacrifiés au combat, au bon vouloir de ceux qui se prennent pour 

des rois…

Dans leurs yeux centenaires, on se demande comment ou encore 


les empires en colère se sont vidés de ceux qui ont cru dans

leur gloire…

Ne pas les oublier, c’est entendre leurs cris sous 

les préaux d’écoles,

sur clichés, cartes postales, en dehors des mortuaires,

là, où 

les coquelicots fleurissent dans les blés, se nourrissent de

la terre

meurtrie par des fous si loin de tout cela.
NH, nov. 2018.

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Filed under 2018, 60N, blogging, commemoration, community, earth, education, geopoetics, literature, poet, poetry, shetland

In memoriam #14-18now (2) 

War Flowers, penned shortly before #armistice100 and recorded at my favourite beach, before reading the entirely string of verse dedicated to #armistice2000 #LestWeForget #onnevousoubliepas 

With gracious thanks to Lisa and Dereck for that moment. 

And with gracious thanks to Gail and Keirynn for your renewed homing my work and image. 

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Filed under 2018, 60N, Arcania, atlantic, autumn, blogging, commemoration, community, earth, education, geopoetics, home, humanity, images, island, life, light, literature, ninian, north, poet, poetry, project, shetland, shore

je me souviens #14-18now

One hundred years ago, a small party of men gathered in a wagon inside a French forest somewhere in Picardy to stop madness and attrition, a futile butchery, unparalleled till then, agree to terms for an Armistice. Humanity defaced, filled with hurt, on its knees.

To those millions of innocents, victims who fell and died, I wrote a short poem four years ago, entitled

Of Flowers and Men

Little lead men
fell one by
inside a field other than theirs, 
 red flowers now flourish high -
scarlet to colour
a river to remind us
 there is 
inside our walls.

Four years later, on that same month of November, I penned a string of verse to remember you all – irrespective of alliance, skin colour or religious denomination – because you were all human beings turned inhumane inside a theatre of death. You fell or you were shot, because you had beliefs.

On this occasion, the following verse is in your honour.

In memoriam, 14-18 Now

War Flowers
Time belongs to lush poppy fields. 
They walked by their millions in wet mud, 
France or Flanders, 
leather laces in No Man's Land, along with 
shells and barbwrire. 
Canary girls back in Clydebank or in Gretna 
manufactured what was to kill 
somebody's boy in a cornfield, or 
their own genes here on homeground... 
An assemblage of sacrifice in 
the name of an empire, country or king. 
They fell by millions in cold mud, 
furrow or field they never sowed - 
through earth layers, 
chromatic world recorded shell shock and their fears, 
humanity's blood in a flood. 
They rest by millions as poppies, 
pinned on thick tweed on some jacket - on 
photographs and cenotaphs, 
a sea of names on 
lost inside waves, 
crosses, headstones,
inside the flame from a candle, in 
every heart and every 
© Nat Hall 2018    

Within an hour, I will join all those who remember them at my local beach – St Ninian’s Sands – and read poetry to those clad in a uniform as part of this project  #pagesfromthesea because I don’t forget. Later tonight, as part of this year’s edition of #shetlandwordplay (the annualbook festival in Lerwick), I will join in for the last event, the Open Mic and read both aloud, as part of a sequence dedicated to #14-18now.

Je ne vous oublie pas.   

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Filed under 2018, 60N, blogging, colours, commemoration, community, earth, geopoetics, hairst, home, humanity, images, island, life, literature, poet, poetry, project, scotland, shetland, shetlandarts, spirit, verse, woman, wordplay, world, writing